Ways to Help Swift Admin/Driver Phone Tag

  1. Inform your driver about the Admin and provide contact information. The recruiter needs to text and call the driver with the Admin’s name and phone number. Instruct the driver to look out for this call and try to answer.
  2. How do you identify the admin? After submitting your driver to Swift, you will receive an email informing you of the Admin’s identity.
  3. Ensure the driver completes the application promptly. Admins do not call drivers until they have completed the full application link (Part 2). We send you a reminder email with the assigned admin and the link for Part 2. This serves as a reminder to ensure the driver completes Part 2.
  4. The recruiter must stress the importance of answering the Admin’s call. The driver should make this a priority. The initial call is crucial for a quick start. Admins, who make hundreds of calls, have a system to reach every driver. If your driver does not answer, they are likely to move on to the next driver and will call your driver back after completing the first set of initial calls.
  5. Set expectations with the driver regarding the timing of calls. Admins, Swift leadership, and processors work during business hours. Saturdays and Sundays are not active days for processing a driver’s file. Understanding this helps us facilitate effectively.
  6. If the driver misses the initial Admin Call, have the driver call back and leave a voicemail. The driver should also follow up with a text to the admin stating their name, phone number, and availability if needed.
  7. Recruiters MUST emphasize the importance of drivers having voicemail available for admins to leave messages. If the Admin cannot leave a message, it complicates the connection between the driver and admin.
  8. Remind drivers when admins are likely to call. Set expectations with the driver for the Initial Admin Call, Follow-Up Calls, Scheduling Calls, and Confirmation Calls.
  9. Be a facilitator, not a frustration creator. Your role is to help them connect as smoothly and efficiently as possible.